नेवा: समुदायमा कसरी जन्मदिन मनाउँछ?

कला, सँस्कृति, सभ्यता, जात्रापर्वको धनि नेवा: समुदायको जन्मदिन मनाउँने अलगै तरिका छ । नेवा: समुदायले तीथि अनुसार जन्मदिन मनाउँने गर्दछ । जन्मदिन कहिले परेको छ भनि थाहा पाऊन आफ्नो जन्म तीथिको आसपास अगाडी सो व्यक्तिको जात: (जन्म कुण्डली) देखाऊन जाने गरिन्छ । जन्मदिन परेको दिन नेवा: समुदायको घरबाट धौ बजि (दहि चिऊरा) दिने चलन रहेको…

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अहिलेको सिठी नख: र उहिलेको सिठी जुझ

नेवा: समुदायमा अधिकांशले सिठी (सिथी) नख: को रुपमा कूल (दिगू)पूजा गरेर मनाउने परम्परा रहदै आएको छ । धार्मिक रुपले यो दिनलाई जे जसरी मनाउँदै आएको भए तापनि सामाजिक रुपमा नेवा:हरु यस दिन अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा पर्यावरण दिवसको रुपमा सयौं वर्षदेखि मनाउँदै गरेको हामी पाउँछौ । यस दिन पानीको मुहानका रुपमा रहेको कलधारा, ढुङ्गेधारा, इनार, चोक लगायत…

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होनचा (पाटन)

करिव १०० वर्ष भन्दा अगाडि पाटनकै होनचामा बसोबास गर्ने परिवार पाटन दरवार नजिकै आएर बसोबास गर्न थाले । सबैले होनचा या पिं भन्न थाले । उनिहरुका बालबच्चालाई होनचा या मस्त भन्न थाले । कालान्तरमा तिनीहरुको परिचय नै होनचा हुन पुग्यो ।९० सालको भूकम्प भन्दा केही अगाडि रोजीरोटीका लागि सानो खाजा घर जस्तै खोले । ९०…

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कृषि प्रविधि सिक्ने र सिकाउने पर्व बुङ्ग द्यो ( मच्छिन्द्रनाथको ) जात्रा

काठमाडौं, जेठ १३। मछिन्द्रनाथ देवताभन्दा कृषि वैज्ञानिक हुन् । ललितपुरको पहिलेको नाम ‘यल’ हो, किराँती राजा यलम्बरले स्थापना गरेको शहर भएकोले उनले आफ्नै नामबाट यल राखेका थिए। काठमाडौँ तथा बाहिरका आदिवासी नेवारहरु अहिलेसम्म नि ललितपुरलाई यल नै भन्छन्। पछि गएर यसको नाम ललितपुर हुन गएको हो। ललितपुर नाम राख्नमा प्रमुख भूमिका रहेको मान्छे वा भनौँ…

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The typical iconography of the Goddess depicts her in deep red color of a hibiscus flower radiating the effulgence of a million suns. Digambari, with a munda-mala (skull garland) and a snake for her yagyapovita, standing in the pratyAlIDha posture, she has cut off her own head and holds it in one of her hands….

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चन्द्रमा शिव को शिरमा :-किन ?

चन्द्रमा सुन्दर औषधियुक्त, सितल शान्त र आनन्ददायक तेज प्रकाश दिने र सबैको हित गर्ने भएको ले शिवले शिरमा धारण गर्नु भयो ।चन्द्रमा को महत्व हामी सबैलाई थाहा नभएको चाहीं होईन । चन्द्रमा को पूजा नभएको पनि होईन ।चन्द्रमा को सोरह कलाको आधारमा चाडपर्बहरु नमनाउने पनि होईन । प्राय हामी चन्द्रमा लाई एक महत्वपूर्ण देवताकै रुपमा…

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बाला चर्तुदशी

मंसिर १७ गते मसिंर कृष्ण चर्तुदशी अर्थात बाला चर्तुदशी परेको छ । त्यस दिन मृत्यूवरण गरेका पितृहरुको मोक्षयात्राका लागी अत्यन्त महत्पूर्ण दिनका रुपमा मानिन्छ । नेपाल अनि भारतका विभिन्न शक्तिपीठ अनि त्रिवेणी धामहरुमा आज शतवीज छर्ने तिर्थालुहरुको घुईँचो रहने गर्दछ । शतवीज भन्नाले पितृ उद्धारकालागी धार्मीक वनहरु जस्तै कैलाश डाँडा, श्लेष्मान्तक बन अनि अन्य बनहरुमा…

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Dolakha Bhimshen

Bhimeshwar Temple is a famous temple desiccated to god Bhim located in Dolakha bazar of Dolakha district of Nepal. It is one of the oldest temples in Dolakha district dedicated in Hindu god situated about 4.5 kilometers east from Charikot Bazaar. God Bhimsen (also called as Bhim, Bhimeshwor) was the second prince of Panch Pandav…

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Sikali Jatra

Local residents of Khokana are busy celebrating Sikali (Jatra) festival at a time when people across the country are marking the Hindu’s greatest festival, Dashain. This year, as many as 14 gods and goddesses will be worshiped and various traditional dance performances will be exhibited. The jatra will be celebrated for five days by inviting…

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Kumari – The Living Goddess

Though the most elaborate Hindu temples are those dedicated to the worship male deities such as Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu etc, far greater attention is paid to the propitiation of less august though more powerful and dangerous female deities. In addition to the popularity of such non-Tantrik female deities as Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati, the newars…

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Newa:Cast System

The Newar caste system is the system by which Newars, the historical inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley, are divided into groups on the basis of Vedic varna model and divided according to their hereditary occupations. First introduced in the time of the Licchavis, the Newar caste system assumed its present shape during the medieval Malla period. The Newar…

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Basantapur Durbar Square

The Basantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal, is a collage of historical incidences. Though over the years, earthquakes damaged much of its structures, locals continue to preserve its spirit. Highlighting symbolism in Nepal’s Newar culture, two stone lions stand to guard the entrance as we enter inside Kathmandu’s Basantapur Durbar Square. In Nepal, these lions…

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Biska Jatra

Biska Jatra is a chariot parade festival primarily celebrated in Bhaktapur to mark the coming of spring. The festival is observed for eight nights and nine days. On the first few days of Biska Jatra, the deities Bhairav and Bhadrakali are worshiped in their respective chariots amid various special tantric rituals. On the fourth day,…

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Rato Machhindranath Festival: Bathing Ceremony Concluded Amid Lockdown

Amidst a nationwide lockdown, Mahasana (bathing ceremony) Rato Machhindranth (Red Macchendranath) and Kumari Puja completed quietly in Patan. Although few people gathered there, they maintain social distancing. In a presence of few hundred devotees, who wore masks and maintained their social distancing, the festival begins reports Sulabh Shrestha in Deshsanchar. As per the ritual, priest…

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Mha Puja: The New Year’s Day

Nepal Samvat’s New Year’s Day (Kartika Sukla Pratipada) coincides with a Newars family celebration, both Buddhist and Hindu, called mha puja (literally, body-worship or self-worship). While the puja is obviously influenced by the puranas and tantras, it is a distinctive Newar festival, quite distinct in shape and content from Govardhan Puja’s Hindu festival. Usually noted…

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Sankhadhar Sakhwa

The Nepal Sambat movement achieved its initial success on 18 november 1999 once the govt declared the founding father of the nepal sambat calendar, a merchandiser of Kathmandu named Sankhadhar Sakhwa (संखधर साख्वा), a national hero. Sankhadhar Sakhwa : The leader of Kingdom of Asian nation Nepal, he’s a Nepalese giver. He cleared the debts of all…

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