“Sakina Maharjan Wins ‘Miss Newa: Nepal’ Title in Glamorous Finale”

Sakina Maharjan was crowned ‘Miss Newa: Nepal’ in a stunning display of elegance and cultural heritage. This prestigious beauty pageant, dedicated to celebrating the grace and traditions of the Newar community, was organized by Nepali’s Fashion Home and culminated in a triumphant finale at Nepal Pragya Pratishthan in Kamaladi. Sakina Maharjan’s enchanting presence and charisma…

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राजामतीको कल्पनिक तस्वीर

#राजामतिको सुन्दरता र स्वाभिमान बारे हामीले सुन्दै आईरहेको एक वियोगान्त कथा हो । यस्को बारे एक नेपालभाषी #प्रेमगाथामा /ballad गाईएको गीत “राजामती कुमती” पहिले देखी नै चर्चित रहेको छ । नेपालका प्रथम नेपाली गायक /आदिगायक सेतुराम श्रेष्ठले यो प्रेमगाथालाई पहिलो पटक कलकत्तामा record गराएको थियो । यही गीतको धुनलाई श्री ३ जंगबहादुर राणाको बेलायत राजकीय…

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Her name, “Adamantine Yogini” describes her as a female who has attained perfection. Through the practice of yoga, she becomes a divine, or “adamantine” yogini. A Compassionate, All-knowing, and supremely blissful Yogini. Adamantine, here refers specifically to the indestructible state of enlightenment she has attained. Among all dakinis, human and divine, Vajrayogini reigns supreme as…

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बालेनले बौद्ध धर्मगुरुलाई फिर्ता गरे मुकुट, भने- धार्मिक भावनामा चोट पुगेकोमा क्षमा चाहन्छौं

काठमाडौं । र्‍याप गायनमा आधारित रियालिटी शो ‘नेपहपको श्रीपेच’लाई लिएर विवाद बढेपछि निर्णायक बालेन साह र विजेता भाइबर साइमनले बौद्ध धर्मगुरुलाई मुकुट फिर्ता गरेका छन् । सोमबार ज्याठामा आयोजित समारोहमा रियालिटी शोको तर्फबाट गल्ती भएको भन्दै बालेनले माफी माग्दै मुकुट बौद्ध गुरुलाई फिर्ता दिएका थिए । शोका निर्माता सुदीप पोखरेलले धार्मिक भावनामा ठेस पुर्‍याउने आफूहरुको…

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“नेवा: भोजले होइन राज्यको नितिले बिग्रेको हो ” – Raja Ram Tandukar

सिथि नखः व हलिं लकस दिंया लसताय् भिंतुना सिथि नखः र विश्व वातावरण दिवसको उपलक्ष्यमा शुभकामना ! नेवा:हरु सयौ बर्ष अगाडि निकै सम्पन्न थिए । त्यस बेलाको यो नख: चख: चाडपर्व अब धान्न नै मुस्किल मुस्किल परिसकेको छ राज्य सत्ताको नितिका कारण धेरै नेवाहरु शहरी गरिव बन्दै गरेका छन । – त्यसैले मैले धधेरै साथिभाइ…

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काठमाडौंको , काठमाडौंबासीको मुख्य समस्याहरु मध्यको अर्को महत्त्वपूर्ण समस्या भनेको ट्याक्सी

काठमाडौंको , काठमाडौंबासीको मुख्य समस्याहरु मध्यको अर्को महत्त्वपूर्ण समस्या भनेको ट्याक्सी Watch Video

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Lalitpur Mayor (With List)

For the position of Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, 14 individuals have applied. Party Mayor candidate Deputy Mayor candidate Nepali Congress Chiri Babu Maharjan[5] Supporting CPN (Maoist Centre) candidate CPN (Unified Marxist–Leninist) Hari Krishna Byanjankar[6] Manjali Shakya[6] CPN (Maoist Centre) Supporting Nepali Congress candidate Baburaj Bachracharya[7] Rastriya Prajatantra Party Ashta Bahadur Maharjan[8] Swarnima Shakya[8] CPN (Unified Socialist) Hari Krishna…

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“ईटा बिछाइएका बाटोको महत्व”

विशेषगरी ख्वोप अर्थात भक्तपुर नगरभित्रका प्राय बाटो अनि गल्लिहरुमा कालोपत्र वा ढलान नभई ईटा बिछाइएको पाइन्छ। यसले ख्वोपको संस्कृतिक र पुरातात्विक सुन्दरतामा थप आकर्षण भर्नुका साथै वातावारनीय हिसाबले पनि सहयोग पुर्याउँछ। वर्षा हुँदा ईटाहरु बिचका प्वालबाट जमिनले पानी शोस्न सक्दछ र जमिन भित्र पानी संकलित गर्छ। बाटो मर्मत गर्दा पनि प्रयोग भएका इटाहरु पुन:प्रयोग गर्न…

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Rato Machhindranath Festival: Bathing Ceremony Concluded Amid Lockdown

Amidst a nationwide lockdown, Mahasana (bathing ceremony) Rato Machhindranth (Red Macchendranath) and Kumari Puja completed quietly in Patan. Although few people gathered there, they maintain social distancing. In a presence of few hundred devotees, who wore masks and maintained their social distancing, the festival begins reports Sulabh Shrestha in Deshsanchar. As per the ritual, priest…

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Khokana Tourism Festival -2020 kicks off

Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa at the Khokana Tourism Festival Inauguration in Lalitpur Kathmandu: Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa has formally inaugurated Khokana Tourism Festival 2020 in Lalitpur district on Friday, which is slated for February 21 to 23, with the slogan “Save the local skills and culture”. Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the festival,…

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Newa History

The Newars are regarded as the Kathmandu Valley’s first occupants, but their roots are secretly covered. They speak a Tibeto-Burmese language, which demonstrates that they started in the east, but their physical highlights range from unmistakably Mongolian, suggesting once again to the east, to Indo-Aryan, which naturally focuses on India. In adjust, it appears most like that the…

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Newari / Nepal Bhasa useful phrases

A collection of helpful sentences in Newari / Nepal Bhasa, a language spoken by Tibeto-Burman in Nepal, India and Bhutan. English नेपाल भाषा (Newari / Nepal Bhasa) Welcome लसकुस Hello (General greeting) ज्वजलपा How are you? म्हं फु ला? Reply to ‘How are you?’ जितः ला म्हं फु, छन्तः ले? Long time no see गुल्लि…

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Bel Bibaha

Bel Bibaha or Ehee is a ceremony in Newari community of Nepal in which pre-adolescent girls are married to the Bel (fruit of wood apple tree) fruit. The fruit is bridegroom that symbolizes the eternal bachelor Lord Kumar, the son of Lord Shiva, and the marriage ensures that the girl becomes and remains fertile. The…

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